31 May 2008

go fly yourself

kyl and i went to the Boeing Museum of Flight today, which is currently running a (frighteningly entertaining) retrospective on flight attendant wardrobe. we saw these highly progressive vintage commercials there:

"go fly yourself" was printed on posterboards held up in protest of the creatively despicable "fly me" campaign by national airlines.

29 May 2008

28 May 2008

Machine Girl

You couldn't ask for more:

(I haven't seen the movie)

23 May 2008

The Internets may implode

Tom Waits -- good or whack?

Sometimes, the stuff Tom Waits says is completely cool.

Q: What is a gentleman?

A: A man who can play the accordion, but doesn’t.

Sometimes he seems like a parody of a Tom Waits-type character.

Q: What’s heaven for you?

A: Me and my wife on Rte. 66 with a pot of coffee, a cheap guitar, pawnshop tape recorder in a Motel 6, and a car that runs good parked right by the door.

via Rubber Room With A View

20 May 2008

How did you know Mr. Mabe?

Did we already blog this? I can't remember.

16 May 2008

Go West, Young ChiliCon

Hey all,
A bit of personal news - I'm moving to Seattle and starting a job with Amazon. My girlfriend Theresa is also going. We've got a going-away weekend planned for Memorial day weekend, and I'd love to have some of you locals there. We did the evite thing.

Let me know if that doesn't work.
I don't know if there's enough room in that town for the both of us, Trump.

07 May 2008

The Results were Phenomenal !

I'm not really sure you want to click this link. For some reason GMail keeps trying to direct me to these people's gruesome services.