20 June 2005

HRWiki is teh roxxor

STRONG BAD: Um... no. I don't really have any interest in invading my own—

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Ten-hut! Draft dodger, eh? We'll see if those trees you're always hugging save you when Gordon Lightfoot's creeping round your back stair. Company... Halt! Backwards... March!

BTW: New Teen Girl Squad today.


Drew said...

Whoa, did you know that when you put a HREF in a title, you get the three colored circles next to it instead of an underline?

kofno said...

Did you know that you can set up blogger to href titles automatically?

kofno said...

They need a "Sell Fish" t-shirt in the HR store.

russ said...

Ahh, three circles -- the universal symbol for a hyperlink.


tormp said...

don't bite the f**ktard that feeds you.