20 September 2005

Concept art for the new mario bros game!

disclaimer: my japanese is a little rusty


tormp said...

we're sorry, but your princess is being f*cked by a different tentacle

tormp said...

man, my comment was awesome.

tormp said...

i love mario's socratic pose in the picture. the fingerless gloves. the boss pecs. the intense focus while he's a beavanthrope. the homoaquatic frog suit picture. you can't make up enough words to describe how rad that page is.

ChiliCon said...

Jason's on a roll for this one. Don't get in the way.

However, I take exception to the Beaventhrope comment.
It's a Racoothrope. Duh.

tormp said...

i'll see your racoonthrope and raise you verminthrope

word humor. hee.