06 September 2005

Crispin Hellion Glover's: What is it?


It may not be safe even in private. God I hope he's the Joker.


schmonz said...

More importantly, what's a crisping lover? Reminds me of the PowerGen Italia domain name of yore and lore.

tormp said...

what is it? effin sweet is what it is. i dunno about the blackface though. he's trying to get lynched. david lynched! haw. haw haw. titter titter.

schmonz said...

For fun, read this overly long and self-indulgent review of what it claims to be an overly long and self-indulgent film.

tormp said...

that's actually a pretty good, if rambling review. the reviewer's moral outrage is almost hypnotic in it's obscurity. he's not mad that glover unconscionably used retards in his film, he actually seems mad that glover did it expressly to make him mad, or something. freakin pomo.

he mentions jordowsky at the end. i want to see something buy that guy, maybe 'El Topo'. Anyone got any recommendations?

tormp said...

uh, 'something by that guy'. it would be interesting to see something buy that guy too.

russ said...

My friend just saw ole hellion at the warhol museum in pukesburgh.

Apparently he's quite odd, or it' sjust an act. Either way BttF is a top ten movie of the eighties, possibly a top ten comedy of all time (sorry 'Tommy Boy' fans).


russ said...

O yeah.
