21 October 2005

Where do babies come from?

Children's book, in german, with highly amusing pictures.

I would classify this link as NSFW.


russ said...

How could you not use this pic?


tormp said...

safe for small german children, but not safe for work? the world is strange.

Drew said...

How could you not use this pic?

Dude, that's totally the best pic in the book, and I didn't want to spoil the surprise. IMO, the best part of that pic are the pigtails still visible underneath the legs.

safe for small german children, but not safe for work? the world is strange.

Cartoon fetuses swimming out of cartoon wombs are not safe for anybody's concept of the reproductive arts.

kofno said...

How could you not use this pic?

My kid didn't have a full set of teeth when she was born. Of course, we're not German.

begmpayg (that has to be slang for something - beg 'm pay g!)