11 October 2005

Worst Fake Comment Ever

I just received a bunch of these spam comments at my other blog (which I won't link because I'm tired of being punched in the cock). I removed the links from the comment, but left the shoddy grammar:

Your blog is great If your a writer and print alot, I'm sure you'd be interested in inkjet media inkjet cartridge inkjet media

My question: Why bother with Your blog is great in what is obviously a spam? Bullshitting on the web is basically free, so, if you're going to, why not bring the dumptruck?

P.S. It would seem that the word verification for blogger comments has been compromised.

1 comment:

tormp said...

we're working on some captcha stuff for our current project, and i saw that jcaptcha and other libraries support speech for accessibility (you've got a little voice that clearly reads the letters out to you).

it seems like it wouldn't be too difficult to combine this with some basic voice recognition for an easy exploit.

anyone know if blogger's captcha supports voice? i'm too lazy to find out.