02 November 2007

Ahh... 70s Tv...

... commemorating 60s Tv.

I got this from Farty McTootlePants, who likely didn't post it because of its narrow regional focus (very cool to anyone who grew up in Cleveland).

However, there is a wider point of interest. At about 5:48 we see Ghoulardi's family, including a cute tyke in a tie -- who is, in all likelihood, PTA. Made me recall the Tom Cruise/Jason Robards relationship in Magnolia -- perhaps some real-life angst there?


Drew said...

I'd like to mention that the reason we dug up this vid was because Farty wanted to see what "Cathy Brugett" looks like.

I challenge y'all to find a video or still image of her on the wonderweb other than this one.

russ said...

Oo -- maybe it was more like the Phillip Baker Hall/his daughter?

dcass said...

times were different back then. My family used to sit down and watch this show together.